
Julian Assange is free – Everything you need to know

Julian Assange Walks Free After Plea Deal in U.S. Court

Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, was released from custody on Wednesday after pleading guilty in a U.S. court in the Northern Mariana Islands. The plea deal marks a significant turning point in a lengthy legal battle involving the publication of classified U.S. military documents.

The Significance of Assange’s Release

Assange’s release comes after over a decade of legal turmoil, including seven years of self-exile in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and five years in a high-security prison. His freedom marks a dramatic shift in a case that has captivated international attention and sparked widespread debate about freedom of the press and national security.

Details of the Plea Agreement

  1. Court Proceedings: In a U.S. court in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, Assange pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose U.S. national defense documents.
  2. Plea Agreement Terms: As part of the plea deal, the U.S. government agreed to withdraw its extradition request and recommended a sentence of time served with no additional fines.
  3. Legal Implications: Assange’s U.S. lawyer, Barry Pollack, highlighted the plea’s implications, warning that prosecuting journalism as a crime sets a chilling precedent. Pollack noted that while Assange’s actions violated the Espionage Act, he believes such conduct should be protected under the First Amendment.

Current Relevance and Geopolitical Context

Assange’s case has been a focal point in discussions about press freedom and government transparency. The Australian government, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, has been a vocal advocate for Assange’s return to Australia, emphasizing that his prolonged incarceration serves no further purpose.


  1. Australian Advocacy: Albanese reiterated Australia’s stance, stating that Assange’s case had dragged on too long and advocating for his return.
  2. Journey to Freedom: Assange left London’s Belmarsh Prison and flew to Saipan via a private jet, arranged due to restrictions on commercial travel. His wife, Stella Assange, had made an urgent appeal for donations to cover the travel costs.

Assange has faced numerous charges in the U.S., including 17 under the Espionage Act and one under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, potentially facing up to 175 years in prison. These charges stem from WikiLeaks’ publication of classified military files and diplomatic documents, significantly impacting U.S. foreign relations.

  1. WikiLeaks’ Prominence: WikiLeaks gained international notoriety in 2010 by releasing a video of a 2007 U.S. helicopter attack in Baghdad, which killed several individuals, including two Reuters journalists. This release was followed by the publication of hundreds of thousands of classified documents.
  2. Legal and Ethical Debates: The case has fueled debates over the balance between national security and the public’s right to know, with critics arguing that prosecuting Assange undermines press freedom.

In-Depth Analysis of the Case’s Implications

The resolution of Assange’s case through a plea deal highlights broader implications for journalism, national security, and international relations.

  1. Impact on Journalism: The case sets a precedent for how far governments can go in prosecuting those who publish classified information. It raises questions about the protection of journalistic sources and the boundaries of press freedom.
  2. International Relations: The case has strained relations between the U.S. and countries advocating for Assange’s release, including Australia and Ecuador. The resolution might ease some of these tensions but leaves ongoing debates about international legal standards.
  3. Future of WikiLeaks: Assange’s release might influence the future operations of WikiLeaks and other similar organizations. The balance between transparency and security will continue to be a contentious issue in the digital age.

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